How To Clean Ubbi Diaper Pail
Keeping your home clean can be a challenge when you have a new baby. The constant need for a place to store dirty diapers and the time it takes to clean those spaces may seem like an uphill battle. However, with the right cleaning tools, storage solutions, and routines, you can get your home back in order once again. Addressing your diaper pail should be one of the first things on your list. While it may not be the biggest challenge when it comes to keeping your home clean as a new parent, this little bucket can smell pretty gross if not kept clean regularly. Luckily, cleaning an Ubbi Diaper Pail is simple once you know how! Keeping this mini-refrigerator fresh is much easier than you might think. Here are some tips on how to clean your Ubbi Diaper Pail so that it stays nice and fresh all the time!
How To Clean Your Ubbi Diaper Pail
What You Will Need
For this cleaning routine, you will need:
- A damp, non-scratching sponge or clean cloth – This will be used to wipe down the inside of the pail. You will want to use a non-scratching sponge or clean cloth so that you don’t damage your pail.
- A vacuum – This will help you clean out the pail and suck up any lingering dust that ends up inside the pail.
- A disinfecting spray – This can be used to wipe down the inside of your pail.
- Baking soda – This can be used as a natural deodorizer inside the pail.
- Dish soap – This can be used to clean the pail if you start to run low on baking soda.
To start, you will want to vacuum the inside of the pail to get rid of any lingering particles. This can help you avoid any buildup of dust and other gross particles inside the pail.
Next, you can use a damp sponge to wipe down the inside of the pail. You can disinfect the inside of your pail by spraying it down with a disinfecting spray. You can also use baking soda inside your pail as a natural deodorizer.
Finally, you want to finish up by wiping down the outside of the pail with a damp sponge.
Weekly Cleaning Routine
If you want to keep your Ubbi Pail fresh and bacteria-free but don’t want to do a deep cleaning every week, here are a few suggestions:
- Clean the inside of your pail with a bit of baking soda. You can use a small bit of baking soda with water to clean the inside of your pail and leave it smelling nice and fresh.
- Wipe down the inside of the pail with a damp sponge. You can also wipe down the outside of the pail with a damp sponge if necessary.
- Empty the pail as often as necessary. This will vary depending on how many diapers you are using.
Monthly Deep Cleaning Routine
If you want to deep clean your Ubbi Diaper Pail once a month, here are a few suggestions:
- Wipe down the inside of the pail with a damp sponge or a baby wipe. You can also wipe down the outside of the pail with a damp sponge or baby wipe to remove any buildup.
- Disinfect the inside of the pail with a disinfectant spray. You can also disinfect the outside of the pail with a disinfectant spray.
- Empty the pail completely. This will help you clean it out completely and disinfect the entire pail.
Your Ubbi Diaper Pail can get smelly if you don’t clean it regularly. Follow these tips to keep your Ubbi Diaper Pail clean! This will help keep your home smelling fresh and clean while also protecting your baby from harmful germs. Remember that regular maintenance of your Ubbi Diaper Pail is important to keep it fresh and clean. You can do this by following these cleaning routines on a regular basis.