• August 12, 2024

How To Thaw Edwards Pie Fast

When the time comes to serve a savory pie, such as chicken or beef, it’s easy to panic because you don’t know how long it will take to thaw. How do you thaw a pie quickly? If you can’t serve the pie frozen, what should you do? Fortunately, there are several simple ways to thaw pies in a hurry. Whether you’re serving from home, catering an event, or working in a restaurant kitchen, these tips will help you deal with frozen pies quickly and effectively. Let’s find out more about how to thaw pies in a hurry!

Change the water

One of the best ways to thaw pies quickly is to change the water. By switching from warm to cold water, you’re sending a signal to your frozen pie to begin the process of thawing. The change in water temperature will trigger the pie’s molecules to rearrange themselves. This will speed up the process of thawing, allowing you to get back to baking pies with less wasted time. If you’re serving from home, you can thaw pies in a large bowl of cold water. If you’re catering or serving at a restaurant, however, a large bowl won’t be practical. In these situations, you’ll want to thaw pies in cold running water.

Microwave it

Microwave thawing isn’t ideal because it can leave your pies hot on the inside and frozen on the outside. Still, it’s an easy way to thaw pies quickly and is better than serving them frozen. Microwave thawing works best with smaller pies. Large pies are difficult to microwave, while smaller pies such as quiches are easier to deal with. If you choose to microwave your pies, do so on a low setting and with the lid off. This will prevent pies from becoming too hot on the inside while also speeding up the process. If you’re microwaving a large pie, you may need to microwave it several times.

Defrost in warm water

If you’re serving pies from home, defrosting in warm water is one of the best ways to thaw pies quickly. All you have to do is place them in a bowl of warm water and let the water do the work of thawing the pies. Generally speaking, warm water thawing is faster than cold water thawing. What’s more, it’s easy to control the speed of the thawing process by controlling the temperature of the water. So if you want to speed up the process, raise the temperature of the water. Warm water thawing can be used for both large and small pies. Just be careful with smaller pies, as they can thaw too quickly, sink, and become soggy. If you’re thawing small pies, you may need to change the water every few minutes.

Use the oven

In some cases, you may be able to speed up the process of thawing by placing your frozen pies in the oven. To do this, place the pies on a wire rack and heat them at 200°F (90°C) for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, lower the temperature to 150°F (66°C) and let the pies bake for another 15 minutes. This will not only speed up the thawing process, but it will also preheat your oven. This is a great trick if you’re baking a lot of pies at once. While this is a quick way to thaw pies, you’ll need to keep an eye on your pies to make sure that the warming process doesn’t go too quickly. If it does, simply put the pies back in the oven.

Quick tip: save time by buying frozen pies

Buying frozen pies is a great way to save time. Rather than spending hours thawing, baking, and decorating your own pies, you can simply buy frozen pies and put them directly into the oven. If you’re serving from home, this is the best option. If you’re catering or serving at a restaurant, however, you’ll want to thaw frozen pies before baking them. If you decide to use this method, make sure that you thaw the pies in warm water and change the water every few minutes. Too-warm water can thaw a pie too quickly, sinking and becoming soggy.


When it comes to serving savory pies, such as chicken or beef, it’s important to thaw them thoroughly before baking or serving. While there are several ways to thaw pies quickly, changing the water is the easiest and most effective. If you’re serving from home, you can thaw pies in a bowl of warm water. If you’re catering or serving at a restaurant, however, a large bowl won’t be practical. In these situations, you’ll want to thaw pies in cold running water. If you choose to microwave your pies, do so on a low setting and with the lid off. This will prevent pies from becoming too hot on the inside while also speeding up the process.

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