How To Install A Pergola On A Paver Patio

You might think that installing a pergola over your paver patio would be nearly impossible. After all, what kind of support system could you possibly use to keep it up? We’ll bet you didn’t think of a really awesome idea like using pavers to do just that! Yes, it’s true that installing a pergola over your paver patio is something of a challenge. However, it’s also something of an opportunity as well. Installing the pergola over your paver patio means that not only will you get additional benefits from the entire area but also have space for other options such as lighting or hanging vines and plants. So check out our advice on how to install a pergola above your paver patio and get started today!

What You’ll Need

  • Hammer – This is how you will secure your pergola framework to your paver patio.
  • Level – This will ensure that your pergola is installed at a straight and level line.
  • Stud Finder – This will help you find a firm surface to install your pergola framework onto.
  • Torx Screwdriver – For tightening your bolts and screws.
  • Rubber Mallet – To help you hammer in your framework bolts.
  • Sturdy Materials For Your Pergola Framework – We recommend that you go for wood.
  • Sand To Fill The Paver Patio Cracks – You’ll need this to create a smooth surface for your pergola framework.
  • Paint To Color Your Pergola Framework – This will make your pergola stand out even more.
  • Screws, Nails, Glue, Nails, Or Bolts To Hold Your Pergola Framework – This will help to make your pergola extra sturdy.
  • Patio Paver Sealer – This will help to protect your paver patio from weather and damage.

Paving Patio Prep

The first thing to do is prepare your patio paver. You’ll need to clean off all the loose dirt and debris before you begin. It’s best to do this with a pressure washer, but if you don’t have one you can use a garden brush and a mop with warm water. Next, you’ll need to use a trowel to create a smooth surface for the pergola framework to be installed on. If your patio paver is uneven, this will help to even out the surface to make it easier to install your pergola on. The final paving paver prep you’ll need to do is to cover the patio with a tarp. This will protect it from getting dirty or damaged during the rest of the installation process.

Pergola Prep

The first thing you need to do is decide where you want to place your pergola above your paver patio. Make sure it’s in a location where the sun is able to shine through the pergola roof so it can light up the area beneath it. The next thing you need to do is find out what kind of wood you’ll need for your pergola framework. You can use pressure treated wood for exterior areas that are exposed to the weather. Alternatively, you can use cedar wood for areas that are more sheltered. Next, you need to mark the perimeter of your pergola above your paver patio with a string line. This will help you to make sure the pergola is straight and level.

Installing The Pergola Framework

The first thing you need to do is dig holes at the corners and center of the pergola above your paver patio. Next, you’ll need to hammer in your pergola framework bolts into the holes you just dug. You’ll then need to place a pressure treated wood support onto each side of the pergola. Next, you’ll need to place a crossbar over the top of the pergola framework. Finally, you’ll need to secure the pergola framework to the bolts you hammered in earlier.

Installing The Pavers Over The Framework

The first thing you need to do is lay wooden boards over the pergola framework. Next, you need to use a bag of mortar mix to seal the pergola framework and paver patio together. If the patio paver is not level, we recommend that you add some sand to level it out. This is so that the mortar can better hold the pergola framework and paver patio together. Next, you need to start placing your pavers over the mortar. Lastly, you need to use a patio paver sealer to protect the surface of your patio paver. This will help to keep your pergola from becoming too dirty or damaged.


Installing a pergola above your paver patio can be a great addition to your outdoor area. Not only does it add an extra decorative feature, but it also can provide shade and protection from rain and sun. And since pergolas can come in many different styles, colors, and designs, it’s easy to find one that matches your patio perfectly. So check out our advice on how to install a pergola above your paver patio and get started today! Now, you have everything you need to know about how to install a pergola above your paver patio. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start making your outdoor area more beautiful than ever before!

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